ELEY club overview
Taking the next step with ELEY club.
ELEY club is designed to offer enhanced performance over our entry-level ELEY sport cartridge. Each lot is tested to higher accuracy standards in order to meet the demanding requirements of the club shooter.
key features
- Reliable with excellent accuracy
- Suitable for all 25m and 50m disciplines
- Ideal for competitive club shooters
used for
- 50m Prone
- 50m 3 Position
- 50m Free Pistol
- 25m Pistol Women
- 25m Rapid Fire Pistol
- Lightweight Sport Rifle (LSR)
- Silhouette
- .22LR Rifle
- .22LR Pistol
- .22LR Lightweight Sport Rifle (LSR)
- .22LR Semi-auto Pistol

bullet profile
Round nose
cartridge length
25.4mm / 1inch
bullet weight
2.59grams / 40grains
Mean Muzzle Velocity : 317m/s – 331m/s
Mean Muzzle Velocity: 1040ft/s – 1085ft/s
Paraffin Wax