Simon Beyeler
ELEY sponsored shooter
Birthplace: Bern, Switzerland
Discipline: 50m 3 Position Rifle Men, 50m Rifle Prone Men, 10m Air Rifle Men
Personal bests: 3P: 1181, Prone: 627.3, Air Rifle: 629.5
Coach: Gaby Buhlmann
Club: Kleinkaliber Schutzen Alterswil, Sportschutzen Tafers
What is your occupation: Bank employee
What is your proudest moment: My first World Cup medal in Fort Benning
What is your favourite motto: It will work somehow
What is the best advice you’ve ever been given: Never change two things at once
Why do you like ELEY: Very good quality over so many years
How long have you been using ELEY: Since I was 16 years old!
What are your hobbies: Cycling, cross-country skiing and board games