We are delighted to announce ARA Competitor, Rylee Dockery as the newest member of the team ELEY family.

Rylee is a Junior FAC National Champion with a list of incredible accomplishments in her career so far! 
Rylee recently placed first at the ARA Area 3 competition for top youth (Factory) at her home range of Kettlefoot Rod & Gun Club, during the week of Triple Crown, earlier this year.
Since testing her Factory Rifle with ELEY, Rylee has gone on to shoot fantastically, with multiple victories, also hitting 2500 targets in the process! 
Rylee will soon be sending her ABRA rifle to our Testing Facility at Whidden Gunworks, Nashville, Georgia as we look to match the perfect batches of ELEY Tenex to her barrel.
We look forward to supporting you Rylee into the remainder of the 2024 season and beyond, with many more medals to come!
Welcome, Rylee.